Dear students, here are two questions we didn't have time to discuss "face to face" in class, but fortunately we have this "screen to screen" way to continue our communication and exchange of ideas. Let's see what you all think!
It is evident that through some of our blog's questions we are getting to know each other better.... thanks to issues we rarely talk about.
Everybody will be looking forward to reading the answers, I hope!
Deadline: two weeks.
Further discussion:
a- Are you what you carry? Does it reveal who you are? If you had to choose 10 precious belongings to save from yourburning house, what would they be?
b- Although the current situation in Iraq is different from the Vietnam conflict in many ways, the guerrilla warfare aspect is similar, i.e. the “enemy” is not clearly identifiable. What are the potential psychological implications that this scenario might have on the American soldiers in Iraq?