"Stewardesses" is the longest word typed with only the left hand .

The words 'racecar,' 'kayak' and 'level ' are the same whether they are read left to right or right to left (palindromes). (Yep, I knew you were going to "do" this one.)
There are only four words in the English language which end in "dous": tremendous, horrendous, stupendous, and hazardous. (You're not doubting this, are you?)

TYPEWRITER is the longest word that can be made using the letters only on one row of the ke yboard. (All you typists are going to test this out)
Hello everybody!
ResponderEliminarI think the information was very intereseting (I've never realized how many things can be deduced with the keyboard). The one that impressed me the most was the picture of the Niagara Falls!
Well,I have a friend named Hannah, who's name is also a palindrome.
See you tomorrow!
Hello all!
ResponderEliminarRHYTHMS is said to be English's longest word with no vowels in it (yes, I KNOW the "y" represents a vowel sound...)
STRENGTHS might well be English's longest word with only one vowel.
INDIVISIBILITY has six letters "i", and seven "short i" sounds. Can anyone top that?
"Fall leaves after leaves fall" is a palindrome sentence. (Inverting word order)
"Was it a car or a cat I saw?" is another type of palindrome sentence. (Inverting all letters)
Hope you liked it =)
Thanks for your contribution Maria!!! It's true that the picture of the falls is impressive!
ResponderEliminarNacho... great job you did here!!! I loved reading your comments!!! I'm sure your classmates will enjoy them too.
I want to show you a video about something that I think it is really interesting and we are not accustomed to seeing that. Liliana, I don´t know how to do it!!! I´ll send you the video
ResponderEliminarthanks, candela.
HI everybody!!!
ResponderEliminarDORMITORY,SCHOOLMASTER AND DEBIT CARD are anagrams (words or phrases that are made by changing the order of the letters in another word or phrase).
DORMITORY: dirty room
SCHOOLMASTER: The classroom
DEBIT CARD: bad credit
"A Toyota! race fast... safe car a toyota" is a palindrome sentence.
Here you have a redundant phrase: "It was an unexpected surprise when a pair of baby twins was born at 12 midnight."
CUSHION and FASHION are the only two words in English that end -shion (although many words end in this sound)
BOOKKEEPING (the job or activity of recording the financial accounts of an organization) has three consecutive doubled letters.
See you soon!!! Luci
Here you can enjoy some sentences with palindrome
ResponderEliminar"Was it Eliot's toilet I saw? "
"Murder for a jar of red rum. "
"Some men interpret nine memos. "
Never odd or even. "
I hope you enjoy it!
JAJAJA this is very funny!! I really enjoy this kind of activity!!
ResponderEliminarHere yo have some more:
"Step on no pets",
"Sit on a potato pan, Otis", MALISIMOOOO!(sorry, this word had to be said in Spanish)
"Rats live on no evil star"
Robert Trebor is the name of an actor and a palindrome
Some palindromes use words as units rather than letters:
"Girl, bathing on Bikini, eyeing boy, sees boy eyeing bikini on bathing girl". jajaja no comments!
See us!enjoy it!
Hi everybody!!
ResponderEliminarI really enjoy reading those interesting comments you add. Absolutely incredible! Here, I'm going to show you the oddest root formation. I've never see something like that before.
I don't know how to attach an image here sO, I'll sent it to you by mail. I hope you like it
See you soon!! Cinty
Ok, mine doesn't have anything to do with palindromes or anagrams. Cuack. I've send you the photo, you should see it before reading the following...
ResponderEliminar"This is what I saw when I opened the fridge after two weeks my parents had gone on holiday 4 years ago:
It’s cherry jelly! When I saw it, I didn’t feel disgusted, but marvelled. So my first reaction was a loud “WOOOOOWWW!!!” I love the way nature acts upon matter. This is not just rotten food, it’s a whole universe, and it was in my fridge! Of course, this positive reaction may vary depending on what thing is getting rotten. This one was so colourful!! Haha. It’s a work of art!! It’s beautiful!! Please don’t send me to a psychiatric. Thanks.
i like the one of the potato!!! it's not BAAAAAADDDDD!!!
ResponderEliminaryes gigi!! it's veeery bad jaja
ResponderEliminarconcerning the psychiatric I have the phone number of a very good one jaja it's a joke!! I like the jelly thing...it's kind of queer, but I like it!
And as I am "copada" with this thing of showing "strange" things or events, here you have one more...If you usually watch Discovery Channel you'll probably know this man, he's always on the screen!...I couldn't find the web site in English Liliana!!sorry!but it's very surpsrising and I had to show it to you.
see us tomorrow!
ResponderEliminar…that Indonesia is the 4th most populous country in the world, with 220 million people. The 300 ethnic groups speak…365 different languages!!!! Bahasa Indonesia is the official language. Other languages include Acehnese, Ambonese, Batak, Buginese, Ceramese, Dayak, Halmahera, Javanese, Minahasa, Sundanese, Sasak, Tetum, Toraja, among others.
… that the "invention" of language is not known except for references in the Bible. It is not known what language Adam and Eve spoke. The first mention of different languages is the reference to the tower of Babel when different tongues were bestowed.
…that the invention of writing, however, is credited to the Sumerians of Mesopotamia in the 4th millennium BC. Their descendants, the Sumero-Babylonians, developed the time system that we use today: an hour divided into 60 minutes, which are divided into 60 seconds.
… that the most difficult language to learn is Basque, which is spoken in north-western Spain and south-western France. It is not related to any other language in the world.
…that Mandarin is the most spoken language in the world, followed by English. But as home language, Spanish is the second most spoken in the world.
Really interesting, isn’t it? Mostly for us who are all the time working with the language!
ResponderEliminarHere is the link if you want to find out about other different and interesting things.
Hello everybody!
ResponderEliminarI really enjoyed reading all those interesting sentenses. All of them were amazing and funny. However, I was impressed by the last picture....what an astonishing image!
Here are more examples of palindromes:
Fall leaves after leaves fall.
First Ladies rule the State and state the rule: ladies first.
No lemon, no melon.
Eva, can I see bees in a cave?
Sofi Galoppo