You have to wonder,what else is out there that we are not aware of? Also, in the scheme of things, could it be that we are just a very small Bleep? Who knows!!
Astronomers Select Top Ten Most Amazing Pictures Taken by Hubble Space Telescope in Last 16 Years "...they illustrate that our universe is not only deeply strange, but also almost impossibly beautiful."
After correcting an initial problem with the lens, when the Hubble Space Telescope was first launched in 1990, the floating astro-observatory began to relay back to Earth, incredible snapshots of the "final frontier" it was perusing.

The Sombrero Galaxy - 28 million light years from Earth - was voted best picture taken by the Hubble telescope. The dimensions of the galaxy, officially called M104, are asspectacular as its appearance It has 800 billion suns and is 50,000 light years across.

In third place is Nebula NGC 2392, called "Eskimo" because it looks like a face surrounded by a furry hood. The hood is, in fact, a ring of comet-shaped objects flying away from a dying star. Eskimo is 5,000 light years from Earth.
At four is the Cat's Eye Nebula.
The Hourglass Nebula, 8,000 light years away, has a "pinched-in-the-middle" look because the winds that shape it are weaker at the centre.
In sixth place is the Cone Nebula. The part pictured here is 2.5 light years in length (the equivalent of 23 million return trips to the Moon).
The Perfect Storm, a small region in the Swan Nebula, 5,500 light years away, described as 'a bubbly ocean of hydrogen and small amounts of oxygen, sulphur and other elements'.

The Trifid Nebula. A 'stellar nursery', 9,000 light years from here, it is where new stars are being born.
I´m the first!!!!! this is the first and the last time I´ll be the first, I promise muejejeje.
ResponderEliminarI really enjoyed all the pictures. However I loved the Trifid Nebula (a very large cloud of dust and gas that exists in outer space)
because of the colours and the shapes I could imagine such as a horse with a halo (a circle of light around the head of a holy person in religious paintings) jumping and a kind of axe behind it ( I didn´t consume drugs je je)
Furthermore, it is very interesting to see were stars are being born, though I don´t know how they are made, but I´m going to research some information about it.
As a summary, I´m almost sure we are not alone in this universe. But it is something I do not want to know because I take into account this idea: everyone who is not part of your closest circle of friends and relatives, will try to take advantage of you. It usually happens with some realtives you´ve never known, but they know you and all of a sudden, they appear in your life.
Everything has a conection and everything is useful to reflect on our own lives, even life in other planets.
Thank you, I can joke sometimes, but I really enjoy this kind of information.
I´m sorry, I can crack a joke, there is a mistake.
Hi everybody!
ResponderEliminarI have to admit that all the pictures are incredibly awesome!However, I like the second picture because it looks like two people with wings are kissing and there are stars sparkling around them, jaja!
I think it is a little bit "cursi" but love stories are my favorites and I related this picture with one! I also like the colors of the image and it really calls my attention the wonderful things that can happen in the universe.
The words I looked up in the dictionary were furry(covered with fur or short threads) and Swan Nebula(a region in the constellation Sagittarius).
Thanks Liliana for sharing this information with us. See you all on Monday!
ResponderEliminarFrom my point of view, all the pictures are marvellous but there is one that I like most. It is the seventh. Why? Because for me it looks like "The perfect storm" but at the same time like a perfect, beautiful as well as incredible landscape. The different colours make the picture more fascinating than the others.It is really unbelievable the wonderful things that exist in our universe.
These are the words that I looked up in the dictionary: Nebula (a mass of gas and dust among the stars, which often appears as a bright cloud in the sky at night or a Galaxy) and halo (a circle of light or something bright).
See you soon!!! Luci
My favourite picture is the fourth one, the Cat's Eye Nebula. I was really attracted by this image because it reminds me of my eye like ring, the one I showed you when I delivered my “Amulets and Talismans” speech.
ResponderEliminarWhen I look at this staring eye, I feel a strong sensation as it seems to be very powerful, almost hypnotizing. Its colours are amazing! I love purple, and its centre is purple mixed with blue, which makes a great contrast with the external orange zone…fantastic!
Very interesting topic! =)
I loved it!
oh! I forgot about the words! ha!
ResponderEliminarHere they are!
SWIRL: a twisting circular pattern. (Swirling cores)
GLOWER: to look at someone in an angry way = glare. (Glowering eyes)
My favourite one is the hour-glass nebula, because its center lloks like an eye that spies on you... mmmm... the misterious eye of the universe!!!
ResponderEliminarHere are 2 words I didn't know:
from verb peruse: to read or examine, typically with great care.
*trifid: –adjective
cleft into three parts or lobes.
All of them are really awesome, but if I have to choose, I'll choose Starry Night. So cool! Makes painting look like a waste of time =) I've read that it is actually a huge (we're talking trillions of kilometers) cloud of swirling dust around a red supergiant star that illuminates it. Astronomers expect that massive stardust cloud to keep expanding during the decade.
ResponderEliminarHere are the words:
Peruse: to examine or consider with attention and in detail.
Bleep: a short high-pitched sound (as from electronic equipment), a word used in place of an obscene or vulgar expletive. (so, we're a small, meaningless **** in the Universe?)
All of them are pretty awesome pictures! Unbelievable images I'd say. Anyway, I'll choose the Perfect Storm because of the vivid and bright colours that it has. When I look at it, I imagine an angel who is blowing up that firocious perfect storm.It's amazing how marvellous our Universe is!
ResponderEliminarThese are the unknown words:
Nebula: it's a diffuse of interstellar dust or gas or both, visible as luminuous patches or areas of darkness depending on the way the mass absorbs or reflects incident radiation
Merging: a flowing together
Marvellous images, aren´t they?!! It´s hard to choose just one! However, I´ve decided on Trifid Nebula (nebula:n. a mass of gas and dust among the stars, appearing often as a bright cloud at night). This is the most oustanding picture because it not only has a lovely appearance but also it has a very remarkable feature, here is the genesis of stars! For that reason it is called the "stellar nursery", and those stalks protruding (protrude: v. sticking out from a place or through a surface) are signs of the process of new stars formation. It is amazing how important is this nebula and not many people are aware of its existance.
ResponderEliminarVery lovely images! I´m delighted by all of them!
Hello everybody!!
ResponderEliminarWell, what can I say?? Isn't our universe beuatiful? misterious??
I like the Cone Nebula...I don't know why it calls my attention...its colours, its brightness, its looks like an eagle flying upwards!
The words I don't know their meaning:
Perusing; from peruse (v): to read sth, especially in a careful way.
Halo; (n)a circle of light shown around or above the head of a holy person.
See us tomorrow people!! Have a nice Sunday...
All of the are really awesome!! but as I have to choose one, I choose the second picture. when I saw it for the firts time, I imagined a galaxy which collides with another. It is really interesting!!
ResponderEliminarThe words I don`t know are:
Nebula: a cloud of gas or dust in space, appearing either bright or dark.
Peruse: to read through something, especially in order to find the part you are interested in.
see you soon!!!
Dear students, I was really impressed by your creativity when describing images you saw in teh photos! I couldn't have done it better! Congrats to the ones who wrote so far. I also loved Omar's jokes!! (by the way, Omar, you forgot to include two words you don't know.)
ResponderEliminarI'll keep looking for interesting things to post. This was a contribution from my New Zealand dad whom I love dearly!
I couldn`t believe my eyes when I saw all those beautiful pictures taken from the universe. I have never imagined how marvelous and amazing the universe is! All of them called my attention, especially picture number eight, which is called “Starry Night”, because, for me, is the most mysterious one. No sooner had I looked at it that I imagined that the photo illustrates the moon with a hidden treasure inside surrounded by some guards (the stars) protecting it. I was also surprised to see the wonderful colours and shapes it has. I loved it very much! It really seems to be painted by Van Gogh!
Halo: a circle of light or something bright.
Swirl: to move around quickly in a twisting circular movement, or to make something do this
All of the pictures are quite impressive, though the one that caught my attention the most is the Cone Nebula.
ResponderEliminarWhen I look at the picture I can see the figure of an imposing woman, a very powerful and beautiful woman.
The words I did not know are:
MERGING/TO MERGE: to combine or join together to form one thing.
CORE: the most important, or central part of something.
sofia calvinho arriba!