In your heart forever
It was in 1809 that a bloody war between Prussia and France was coming to an end because the French seemed to have no possibilities to win the battle against the Tsar’s soldiers in the cold Prussian winter. Desperation and gloomy was spread all over Paris when they got to know that the Napoleonic Empire would inevitably collapse. The Lenoirs, a married couple, felt emotionally stressful since their son was one of the innocent young soldiers who joined the army.
Feeling extremely concerned, the elderly couple woke up from a terrible nightmare. As the day was downing, the Lenoirs went to work to their isolated little farm. The upset woman, whose name was Janette, rode her mule so as to help Gerard, her husband, carrying a packet of wheat seeds they were going to sow.
As soon as Janette held a photograph of his beloved son, a strange feeling of sadness came over her heart, which was pounding faster and faster. The old woman stared at her husband for a long time and then, she burst into tears exclaiming, “Oh Gerard, why is this happening to us. I can not help thinking what an awful time our son is having. I want him back, my dearest!”
Her husband kissed gently on her forehead and said seriously, “You have to be proud of him. Our James is defending the nation against the enemies no matter how much he will suffer. What I’m sure is that he’ll soon be back.” Janette answered, “I burst with pride, my love. He is our only child. I love him so much. That’s why I know that he needs me more than ever. I have a feeling that something horrible will happen to him. I’m so scared!” “Take it easy, darling. Everything will be just fine,” whispered Gerard in her ears softly.
When they arrived home, the couple sat silently in the living room swiping their sweet lemonade. Suddenly Janette saw a light that shot past one of the windows. The lady yelled desperately, “Honey, our son is at home!” Gerard ran towards the room but nobody was there. He looked at her thinking that the whole situation was driving his lovely wife mad. Afterwards, a cold hand touched his shoulder and said loudly, “I’m James, dad. I’m here to tell you that I’ll be alive in your heart forever and ever and I’ll take care of you two until we meet at heaven” The amazed woman put her head on her husband`s shoulder and cried bitterly as the spirit disappeared from sight.
Vincent Van Gogh!!! What a life he had!!! Do you want to learn something about him? Here's his biography.
Vincent was born on March 30, 1853 in Groot-Zundest, a small Dutch village in southern Holland, near the Belgian border. His father was a pastor and two of his uncles were art dealers. At sixteen, Vincent began working in The Hague as an art salesman for Goupil & Cie, an international art dealer. He began writing to his beloved younger brother, Theo. This correspondence would last all their lives. He immersed himself in the art in the great museums and galleries of these cities. Daily contact with works of art kindled his appreciation of paintings and drawings. Gradually he lost interest in his work at Groupil's and turned to the Bible. His work performance continued to deteriorate until 1876, when he is dismissed. By May 1890 Vincent seemed much better and it was decided that he go to Auvers-sur-Oise, near Paris, to be watched over by Dr. Gachet. Although this relationship was a good one and Vincent's works at Auvers were remarkably fine, his mind deteriorated still further. Theo was now married and had a family to support. Worried about the financial burden he placed on Theo, Vincent walked into a wheatfield on July 27, 1890 and shot himself in the chest. He stumbled back to his lodging, where he died two days later, with Theo at his side. Vincent was buried in the small church at Auvers-sur-Oise. Six months later, in January 1891, Theo also died and was buried next to his brother.
This is Van Gogh by Van Gogh. He did many self portraits. Enjoy his marvellous way of painting!
...When they arrived home, the couple sat silently in the living room, swiping their sweet lemonade.Right at that moment, a soldier approached their house... He was not alone, behind him there were ten more soldiers who brought them something very special... He had a letter from napoleon himself, it said: "Here is your son, he is wounded, that´s why he is useless at battle fields... take care of him...Bye." These were the bittest words they had ever heard...Their son was placed on the gate of their house, and the soldiers left immediatetly. Janette shouted and cried but there was nothing to be done, her only son was there motionless. Gerard helped him moved and went to the bedroom. James could say just a few words:" I shouldn´t go there...It took my life and now I´m nobody..." His mother hugged him and cried, his father went outside and thought:"why..?why? He deserves something better, now he cannot move by himself. He doesn´t even look the same...They have left him alone..." Meanwhile, James fell asleep because he was exhasted. Janette cried a lot, she couldn´t understand why they were left on their own... There was no help from the army to face that reality. She grew angry at the soldiers and Napoleon. He was once their heroe but now they hate him. They had no hope for his only child´s health, they were lonely with no answers from the army. A few month later, they decided to leave the country, they were disappointed by their country, so they moved to a different place to work and look for a living there.
ResponderEliminarDifferent ending indeed!
Enjoy it! Bibiana.
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ResponderEliminar...When they arrived home, the couple sat silently in the living room swiping (?) their sweet lemonade. Suddenly Janette saw a light that shot past one of the windows. The lady yelled desperately, “Honey, our son is at home!” Gerard ran towards the room but nobody was there. He looked at her thinking that the whole situation was driving his lovely wife mad.
ResponderEliminarAfterwards, a cold hand touched his shoulder and said loudly,
"Dad, it's me... Richard!"
Gerard and Janette looked at each other without saying anything, with a baffled look in their eyes.
"My son's name is James. James! Who are you, you horrible ghost!?" Shouted Gerard, as Janette rushed around the house, trying to gather a quantity of religious symbols large enough to make an impromptu exorcism.
"Please don't banish me!" Said Richard- "I've died in the war, and my strong wish to return home wasn't satisfied, that's why I'm still here.. I know you're not my parents, but I'm from Prussia and it's a damn long way from here... and-and it's not easy moving around as a ghost. I cannot hover faster than than a donkey walks! This really stinks! Maybe if you just adopted me and..."
"VADE RETRO, you horrible Prussian wraith!!", yelled Janette, holding a crucifix with a rosary and some garlic in one hand, and a small bottle of holy water in the other. She and Gerard were completely exasperated now.
"Go to hell, you disgusting specter! You were probably the one who killed my son in the war!", Gerard spat out.
"WHAT? Our son is DEAD? And you DIDN'T tell me? How could you? I should exorcise you, you- stupid... old peasant! Come here!!!"
As Janette chased her husband around the house, flinging both religious and secular objects at him, Richard stealthily floated away from the house, as fast as he could, not much faster than a donkey's walk. Maybe the underworld was a safer and friendlier place to visit.
Bibiana, I enjoyed reading what you wrote. Indeed! There's nothing happy or rewarding about wars!
ResponderEliminarNacho!!! How creepy!!! I loved reading it!
ResponderEliminarBy the way, do you believe in the afterlife???
I don't discard the possibility!
ResponderEliminarA friend of mine said:
"If you believe in re-encarnation, you oughta be careful with the way you live before dying. And if you don't believe in re-encarnation, you also oughta be careful with the way you live before dying."
That is, either because you'll return to the world to die again, and in the meanwhile, "pay" for your mistakes, or because this is the only life you'll ever get, you better live it well =)